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AstroFloyd's software projects

Software packages

Name Description Code
astroTools Command-line tools for astronomy and astrophysics SourceForge icon SourceForge
CMakeFiles A collection of CMake files, biased towards projects using Fortran SourceForge icon SourceForge
GitHub icon GitHub
evManual A manual for the binary stellar-evolution code ev/STARS SourceForge icon SourceForge
evTools Tools to manipulate and display output from the binary stellar-evolution code ev/STARS/TWIN SourceForge icon SourceForge
GentMaint A collection of bash scripts to aid the maintenance of a Gentoo Linux system SourceForge icon SourceForge
GitHub icon GitHub
GWtool A set of simple tools for working with gravitational waves SourceForge icon SourceForge
GitHub icon GitHub
Man pages Fortran Man pages for intrinsic Fortran procedures GitHub icon GitHub
PG2PLplot Code intended to help the transition from Fortran code linked against PGPlot to linking it against PLplot SourceForge icon SourceForge
GitHub icon GitHub
SterHemel Android app that lists easily observable events in the night sky (in Dutch) Google Play icon Google Play

© 2009–2017   by Astro Floyd,  –  Planet Earth